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All New Religious Movements
Sorted by importance, then degree of Traditionalism, and then alphabetically
Paganitas ***
- In Italy with special focus on Indo-European culture; Evola .
- Led by D. Binell .
- Classified as partly Traditionalist and as NRM ( Spiritual ).
- Size is uncertain.
- Activities: Website.
Lucid Zahor **
- In Italy with special focus on Aboriginal religion .
- Classified as incidentally Traditionalist and as NRM ( Spiritual ).
- Size is small.
- Activities: Website.
- Website: Lucid Zahir: Inner Transmutation lucidzahor.1hwy.com (in English). [Pending record last updated 7/4/2003].
Aumism *
- Organization in Cit� Sainte de Mandarom, Castellane, France with special focus on Universal religion .
- Led by Hamsah Manarah .
- Classified as aware of Traditionalism and as NRM ( Spiritual ).
- Size is uncertain.
- Activities: Website, Publishing.
- Website: Aumisme: religion universelle, L' www.aumisme.org (in French -- Babel Fish translates). [Basic record last updated 7/4/2003].
- Publishing: �ditions du Mandarom (in French -- Babel Fish translates). Total volume of 35. [Basic record last updated 7/4/2003].
Werkgroep Traditie *
- Organization in Belgium with special focus on Cult of Asatr� .
- Classified as aware of Traditionalism and as NRM ( Spiritual ).
- Size is uncertain.
- Activities: Website.
Keras Amalthe�as *
- In France with special focus on Paganism - authors preceding Guenon, from his original milieu .
- Led by "M. E." .
- Classified as relevant to Traditionalism and as NRM ( Spiritual ).
- Size is uncertain.
- Activities: Website.
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