Bibliography of current available works
- All the books and authors on this page are recommended.
- Those especially recommended for spiritual seekers are marked S .
- Those especially recommended for political readers are marked P .
- Those most suitable for academics and researchers are marked R .
- Follow the links below for current editions and/or translations into English.
- A link from a title brings up a recommended current edition (not necessarily the one given in the bibliography).
- A link from a name brings up all currently-available books in English by the author, recommended as a major Traditionalist. It is the author that is recommended, not all the books and editions that are linked to.
- If only a title in a language other than English is linked, no English translation is known.
- English-language links are usually to Amazon.com. Readers in Canada or the UK should use the ISBN from Amazon.com and then search under it at Amazon.ca or Amazon.co.uk.
- This bibliography is based on that in Against the Modern World .
- Books not currently in print are not listed.
- Books not included in the bibliography of Against the Modern World are labeled as New!
[A] - [B] - [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] -[H] - [I] - [J] - [K] - [L] - [M] - [N]
[O] - [P] - [Q] - [R] - [S] - [T] - [U] - [V] - [W] - [X] - [Y] - [Z]
- Baker, Rob, and Gray Henry, eds. Merton & Sufism: The Untold Story . Louisville: Fons Vitae, 1999.
- Blanch, Lesley. The Wilder Shores of Love . London: John Murray, 1955.
- Bonaud, Christian. L'Imam Khomeyni, un gnostique méconnu de XXe siècle . Beirut: Al-Bouraq, 1997.
- Brown, Joseph Epes. The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux . Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1953. S
- Brudny, Yitzhak M. Reinventing Russia: Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953-91 . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. R
- Bryan, G. McLeod. Voices in the Wilderness: Twentieth-Century Prophets Speak to the New Millennium . Macon: Mercer University Press, 1999. R
- Buchta, Wilfried. Who Rules Iran? The Structure of Power in the Islamic Republic . Washington, DC: Washington Institute for Near East, 2000. R
- Burckhardt, Titus . Fez: City of Islam . Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 1992. S
- Camicas, Yves, and Claude Camicas. Les gens du blâme: une secte au quotidien . Milan: Archè, 1995. S R
- Campbell, Bruce F. Ancient Wisdom Revived: A History of the Theosophical Movement . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. R
- Chacornac, Paul. The Simple Life of Rene Guenon . 1958.
- Christensen, Damascene. Not of this World: The Life and Teachings of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Pathfinder to the Heart of Ancient Christianity . Forestville, CA: Fr Seraphim Rose Foundation, 1993. S
- Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish . S
- Schumacher, E. F.
- Schuon, Frithjof .
- Sebottendorf, Rudolf von. Practice of the Ancient Turkish Freemasons . 1924.
- Shenfield, Stephen D. Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, and Movements . New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2000. R
- Skali, Faouzi. La voie soufie . Paris: Albin Michel, 1995. S R
- Smith, Huston.
- Stevenson, David. The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland's Century, 1590-1710 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. R