Schuonian Writers: Biographic Analysis
Borella, Jean
Brown, Joseph Epes
Burckhardt, Titus
Chittick, William
Coomaraswamy, Rama
Critchlow, Keith
Cutsinger, James |
Danner, Victor
Eaton, Charles Le Gai
Fitzgerald, Michael Oren
Levy, John
Lings, Martin
Michon, Jean-Louis
Murata, Sachiko |
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Nasr, Vali Reza
Osman Bakar
Pallis, Marco
du Pasquier, Roger
Perry, Whitall
Schaya, Léo |
Schuon, Frithjof
Sherrard, Philip
Smith, Huston
Stoddardt, William |
Major Writers
- 37 books 1933-97, of which 6 major (1948-78)
- Wrote mostly on spirituality, sometimes on Islam
- Wrote mostly in French, translated into most important European languages and some other languages
- Two most importat books
- Biography
- Born Switzerland of Franco-German parentage
- Became Muslim in 1932
- Textile designer
- Shaykh of the Maryamiyya and Master of the Primordial Religion
- 5 books 1939-80, of which one major (1939), which may be pre-Traditionalist
- Wrote on Tibetan Buddhism for a general public
- Wrote in English, translated into French
- Main work Peaks and Lamas (1939)
- Biography
- Born in England of Greek parents
- Became a Tibetan Buddhist
- Visited Himalyas 1923 or 1933-48
- Relations with Guénon unknown. Met Schuon in 1940
- Also a musician (7 compositions published)
- No known followers
- 17 books 1941-79 and one posthumous collection, of which 7 major (1952-1960)
- 3 translations
- Wrote on Islam and art for the educated general public
- Wrote in German, translated into various European languages
- Three most important books
- Biography
- Swiss, related to the celebrated historian of the Reniassance
- Became Muslim
- Spent many years in Morocco
- School-friend of Schuon
- Publisher; also worked for UNESCO
- Schuon's most important follower
- 3 books 1949-85, of which 1 major (1985)
- Wrote on Islam
- Wrote in English; one translation into German
- Main work: Islam and the destiny of man (1985)
- Biography
- English
- Became Muslim
- Worked at London Mosque
- 11 books 1952-91, of which 3 major (1961-83)
- 3 volumes of poetry
- Wrote on Sufism and Islam for the educated general public
- Wrote in English, sometimes translated into French, also into Spanish, Arabic and Turkish
- Two most important books
- Biographie
- English
- Became Muslim
- Lived in Egypt ; closely associated there with Guénon
- Met Schuon 1938
- Two careers
- Taught at Cairo University 1939-52
- Then worked at the British Museum
- 3 books 1958-83 and one posthmous collection, of which one major (1958)
- Wrote on Judaism (kabbala) and Sufism
- Wrote in French, translated into English and German
- Main work: L'Homme et l'absolu selon la Kabbale [The universal meaning of the Kabbalah] (1958)
- Biography
- Born in Switzerland , moved to France
- Became Muslim
- Visited Guénon in Egypt
- Met Schuon during 1930s
- Career unknown
- 14 books 1959-98, of which two major (1959-66)
- One volume of poetry and two translations
- Wrote on Greek Orthodoxy
- Wrote in English, sometimes translated into French or German
- Main work: Byzantium (1966)
- Biography
- English
- Became Greek Orthodox
- Spent many years in Greece
- Meeting with Schuon unknown -- may not have been a real follower of Schuon
- Professional writer and translator of modern Greek poetry and literature
- 37 books and 5 co-authored works 1961-2000 (still writing in 2001), of which 11 major (1964-93)
- Editor of 7 collections
- One volume of poetry and one translation
- Writes on Islam
- Writes mostly in English, translated into Persian, Turkish and Malay and other Islamic languages, and sometimes into French and Italian
- Two most important books
- Biography
- Iranian
- Muslim
- Moved from Iran to America
- Met Schuon around 1959
- Distinguished academic career
- 3 books and one co-edited book 1976-97 (still writing in 2001), of which one major (1976)
- Writes on various religions
- Writes in English, one book translated into various European languages
- Main work: Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Methods of Islam (1976)
- Biography
- Canadian
- Became Muslim
- Career unknown
Other Writers
- Huston Smith (1919- )
- 7 books, one collection and one co-authored work 1955-2001, of which one major (1958, pre-Traditionalist). Also editor of 3 collections
- Writes in English on religion in general
- American
- Ordained a Methodist minister, practices Islam
- Jean-Louis Michon (1924- )
- 2 books 1969-73
- Writes in French on Islam; one translation into English
- Swiss
- Muslim
- Keith Critchlow
- 4 books 1969-79
- Writes in English on art and design
- English
- Design, VITA
- Muslim
- Victor Danner (1926-90)
- 3 books 1973-88
- Wrote in English on Islam
- American
- Religious studies, U of Indiana
- Muslim
- William Chittick
- 5 books, 6 translations and one co-authored work 1974-2000
- Writes in English on Islam
- American
- Islamic studies, State University of New York
- Connection with Schuon unconfirmed
- Jean Borella
- 5 books 1979-98 and one collection
- Writes in French on Christianity and Tradition
- French
- Philosophy, U of Nancy
- Catholic
- Headed group of around fifty Christian followers
- Osman Bakar
- 5 books and one co-authored work 1987-99
- Editor of 2 collections
- Writes in English and Malay on Islam
- Malysian
- Muslim
- James Cutsinger (1953 -)
- 2 books and editor of one collection 1987-97
- Writes in English on spirituality
- American
- Theology, U de South Carolina
- Catholic
- Michael Oren Fitzgerald
- One book, 1991
- Wrote in English on Native American Religion
- American
- Religious studies, U of Indiana (then became a lawyer)
- Muslim
- Vali Reza Nasr
- 3 books 1992-96
- 3 co-authored works
- American (son of Hossein Nasr)
- Muslim
- Sachiko Murata (1943- )
- One book, two co-authored works 1992-2000
- Writes in English on Taoism and Islam
- Japanese; American by marriage
- Connection with Schuon unconfirmed
- John Levy
- 2 books 1956-70
- Wrote in English on Hinduism
- English
- Muslim
- Whitall Perry (1920-)
- 4 books 1971-96
- Wrote in English on Tradition
- American
- Muslim
- Roger du Pasquier (1917-99)
- 3 books, one translation and one co-authored work 1977-88
- Wrote in French on Islam, translated into English
- Swiss journalist
- Muslim
- Rama Coomaraswamy (1932-)
- 2 books 1981-99
- Writes in English on Christianity
- American (son of Ananda Coomaraswamy)
- Catholic