Chapter twelve starts with the discovery of Traditionalism by a group of Soviet dissidents including Gaydar Jamal (1947- ) and Alexander Dugin, and considers Jamal's and Dugin's first involvement in Russian politics during Perestroika.
- After explaining the contribution of Traditionalism to Dugin's ideology of Neo-Eurasianism, the chapter discusses Dugin's political ventures. Whilst Dugin was active in the (not very serious) National Bolshevik Party, his Neo-Eurasianism cemented the "red-to-brown" alliance between the remains of the Communist Party and the "Patriots."
- Dugin then founded a potentially more important group, the Eurasia Movement, a Kremlin-aligned think tank.
- The chapter ends with a discussion of Neo-Eurasianism in Israel .
Further reading
Suggested websites
Other resources
- Babel Fish (translates Russian, after a fashion)
- Addenda
- Errata
- Additional notes to chapter 12
- See articles by Marlène Laruelle,
- «Le néo-eurasisme russe» Cahiers du Monde russe , 42/1. 2001 ( abstract in English)
- «Alexandre Dugin : Esquisse d'un eurasisme d'extrême-droite en Russie pest-soviétique» Revue d'études comparatives EST/OUEST Septembre 2001 ( abstract in English)

............Alexander Dugin