Additional Note 1
The other four were:
- Orient et Occident. Paris: Payot, 1924, 1930
- L'ésoterisme de Dante. Charles Bosse, 1925
- Le roi du monde. Paris: Librairie Charles Bosse, 1927
- Autorité spirituelle et pouvoir temporel . Paris: J. Vrin, 1929
Additional Note 2
The others were:
- demonstrating the origins of Christianity in Atlantis
- preparing for the reign of Christ the King in the year 2000, and
- teaching of the sacred name Aor-Agnis as the key to all knowledge.
The Jesuit was Victor Drevon (1820-80) and the Spanish baron was Séverin Alexis de Savachaga (1840-1918). Noillat had succeeded Savachaga, and Hiéron had become more orthodox under his leadership. See PierLuigi Zoccatelli, "De Regnabit au Bestiaire du Christ. L'itinéraire intellectuelle d'un symboliste chrétien: Louis Charbonneau-Lassay," unpublished paper delivered at a conference "En occasion des commémorations du cinquantenaire de la mort de Louis Charbonneau-Lassay," held in Loudun, 7 December 1996.