Additional Notes to Chapter 5


Additional Note 1
On Lovinescu's death, Hyperion had been taken over by one of his followers (Florin Mihaescu) who in 1997 established a Traditionalist publishing house (Rosmarin) that by 2001 had published 34 titles, concentrating on the work of Lovinescu. Ten other important Traditionalist books (by Guénon, Coomaraswamy, Evola, Schuon, and Burckhardt) were published in the same period by Humanitas, a mainstream publisher. By 1998, the weekly Traditionalist radio program by a follower of Mihaescu, the radio journalist Daniela Rei (1969- ), was well established. For Rosmarin, see [June 2001]. For Humanitas, Mihai Marinescu, "Tradición en el mundo rumano," Bajo los hielos 5/6 (March 2001) [online]. Available . Other information from Claudio Mutti, on the basis of his visits to Romania and his correspondence with Romanian Traditionalists.

Additional Note 2
Andre Plesu (1948- ), Foreign Minister 1997-99, arranged the translation into Romanian of works of Evola whilst Minister of Culture in the early 1990s. Whilst Romanian ambassador to Tunisia , Gelu Voican Voiculescu (1941- ) compiled, translated and in 1994 published a selection of Guénon's writings. When Voiculescu had to the Securitate secret police files, he was amused to find a report of a meeting between him and Lovinescu which said that they had discussed "René Evanon." Information from Mutti. See also Mutti, Julius Evola sul fronte dell'est , pp. 20-35. Caius Traian Dragomir, a psychiatrist and Romanian ambassador to Paris at some point in the 1990s, described Guénon as the single most important writer of the twentieth century in an interview given in about 1998. Olavo de Carvalho, "Entrevista . . . ao Embaixador Caius Traian Dragomir" [online]. Available [May 2001].
 was established June 19, 2000.
This page was last revised July 21, 2006 .
Comments © Mark Sedgwick, 1998, 2000-2006