Additional Notes to Chapter 13


Additional Note 1
These were:

  • Guénon: Sy mbolism of the Cross and Reign of Quantity (Tehran: Tehran University Publishing Center, 1982).
  • Burckhardt: Initiatic Doctrine of Islam (Tehran, c. 1998).
  • Schuon: Understanding Islam (Tehran: Ministry of Culture, 1983) and one other book, title unknown, according to Husayn Ghaffari.
  • Nasr:
    • Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines New edition, Tehran : Intisharat-i Khvarizmi, 1980
    • Science and Civilization in Islam New edition, Tehran : Jarzami, 1980
    • Islamic Science Tehran : Surush, 1987
    • Islamic Art and Spirituality Tehran : Surush, 1987
    • A Young Muslim's Guide to the Modern World (Tehran: Tarhnu, 1995)
    • perhaps some others as well.
  • Lings:
    • Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions (Tehran: Hikmat, 1997)
    • Islamic Calligraphy ( Tehran , 1990s)
    • Sufi Saint ( Tehran , 1999).

Additional Note 2
The academy had for some time been an independent unit of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (known as the Pazhuheshkadeh), a body directly under the Ministry of Culture and headed by a Dr Boroujerdi, a son-in-law of Khomeini. In about 1993, Boroujerdi was replaced by a Mrs Hakimi, a supporter of Soroush's, who was thought by many to be opposed to the academy's work and to its Traditionalist stance. She dissolved the academy, allocating its assets to two newly created research institutes, one for the history and philosophy of science (briefly headed by Soroush) and another for religion and philosophy, headed by A'avani. The new section for religion and philosophy was responsible for postgraduate studies in Western philosophy, as well as Islamic philosophy (various informants). The implication of malice on the part of the new director of the Institute was made not by a member of the academy's staff but by someone who had been studying at the academy whilst these changes were taking place.

Additional Note 3
These were both published by Insan Yayinlari, and were:

  • Modern Dünyaya Baskaldiri (Revolt Against the Modern World)
  • Çagdas Ruhçulugun Maske ve Yüzleri (Maschera e Volto dello Spiritualismo Contemporaneo)

Additional Note 4
For Guénon, including La crise du monde moderne , La règne de la quantité , Autorité spirituelle et pouvoir temporelle , Orient et occident , L'erreur spirite , Initiation et réalisation spirituelle , Aperçus sur l'ésotérisme islamique et le taoïsme and Formes traditionelles et cycles cosmiques . Aperçus sur l'initiation was due to appear in 1999 or 2000. Crise du monde moderne was republished in 1986 by Risale, a Salafi publishing house, presumably by mistake. His Roi du monde was also translated and published by a spiritualist group following Alain Kardec.

For Maryamis:

  • Lings-- Sufism .
  • Burckhardt-- Introduction to Sufism , Mirror of the Intellect (a collection of articles made by William Stoddart). Alchimie was due out in 1999.
  • Vâlsan-- L'islam en la fonction de René Guénon .
  • Schuon-- Transcendent Unity of Religions and Varlik, Bilgive, Din [Being, Knowledge and Religion], a collection of articles which has not appeared in any other language.
  • Chittick-- Varolmanin Boyutlari [Aspects of Existence]. a collection of academic articles which has not appeared in any other language.

For an up to date list from one of the main Turkish publishers of Traditionalist works, visit Insan Yayinlari, at , and see especially .

Additional Note 5
This movement was run by Viktor Ivanovich Ilyukhin, with the assistance of Albert [Dmitry] Mikhailovich Makashov. Both of these were CPRF Duma deputies; Ilyukhin was Chairman of the Duma State Security Committee, and Makashov, a Cossack and a retired army Colonel-General, was a member of the Duma Defense Committee. Federal Information Systems Corporation, press conference given by Viktor Ilyukhin and General Makashov, September 2, 1999.

Makashov had led some of the forces opposed to Yeltsin in 1993, and in October 1998 had been involved in controversy after blaming the Jews for Russia 's economic plight, suggesting that they should be arrested and jailed. The Duma refused to censure Makashov, although it finally passed a resolution condemning "actions and statements complicating inter-ethnic relations in the Russian Federation " which did not mention Makashov by name. In January 1999 he was charged with inciting racial hatred, but protected by parliamentary immunity which the Duma seemed unlikely to lift. "Russian Communist Charged after Making Anti-Semitic Remarks," Deutsche Presse-Agentur report, January 28, 1999.
 was established June 19, 2000.
This page was last revised July 21, 2006 .
Comments © Mark Sedgwick, 1998, 2000-2006